
The ARCAD CAAD program and with the tender program LXAVA projects were created and implemented in various fields: hospital, residential & commercial buildings, school buildings, social structure, A-& multi-family homes.
Although all phases of the HOAI be covered from design to construction supervision from the planning office, but also depending on the project, there was a certain care services.
The former hardware 1998
For the kind of work 3 INTEL Pentium II computer with 350Mhz, 2 INTEL Pentium PC with 166Mhz, and 1 AMD K5 computer with 100 MHz were used as 'typewriter'.
All computers were connected via a simple Ethernet.
To print were a dot matrix printer, an inkjet printer and a large pen plotters are available.
Contact with the outside world was a computer via its ISDN card
Written 2001..
The Solution
The solution came with SuSE Linux 5.2 in April 98, accompanied by a CD ARCAD CAMPUS test version in a small package to us.
This writer knew Linux only by hearsay, and stood for their own experiment on their home PCs.
Installation was really thanks to the excellent manual and YAST without difficulty.
As a good judge of DOS-and Windows-Scene I admit, initially of all the new program names that are located in the well-stocked SuSe CD's have been confused.
However, I quickly realized that this is a real operating system had found the way to my hard drive.
When things were going well, the boss was invited home and examined the Linux version of the ARCAD CAAD.
The decision to Linux as the operating system in the office everyday and the ARCAD CAAD use in the Linux version to replace the 32-bit ARCAD CAAD was then quickly taken.
The benefits of Linux in line with what we had in mind in a modern operating system and the new ARCAD CAAD faced so far used the DOS version of a real quantum leap
not only impressed the vastly improved performance of the program on Linux.
The ARCAD's headquarters in Haltern succeeded detect a CAAD on the legs, in the field of construction leaves no wish unfulfilled and handling through the interactive command repetition is unbeatable.
The New Architecture

our network looks like that all the computers disrupted drives with 8 GB capacity received.
A partition for Windows and one is for Linux SuSe 5.3 Linux either at boot directly from within Windows via LILO or started via LOADLIN..
The default protocol in Windows TCP / IP has been set.
The printer server running under WfW, I downloaded the add-on software for the support of TCP / IP from the internet of ''.
The Linux computers communicate via SAMBA with the computers that are currently running on Windows.
Here they mounted their Windows DOS partition and the ARCAD-Share Index as available.
The setting for this is in the file / etc / smb.config done.
About SAMBA and the printer server is accessed.
The configuration is as 'Configure Network - Connect to printer via SAMBA' just Yast to make.
The computers currently running on Linux, communicate via NFS.
The conversion of Windows-only network to a heterogeneous network with Linux had to be performed during system operation.
Except for the fact that Windows few times Plug and Play (anyone who has ever experienced plug and play on your own computer, know what I'm talking made) or hung from any other reason, the whole thing was a problem.
Linux remains to say that it caused no problems.
After about 1.5 hours a Linux machine hung completely configured with the network.
In this hour and a half the disk partition has been set up, SuSe Linux 5.3, raised the kernel is compiled, adapted the configuration files and the ARCAD CAAD installed.
Set as Desktop on Linux we use KDE.
a significantly increased efficiency in the processing of our projects in teamwork, because the computer no matter what operating system they are running hang permanently in the network.
The exchange of data over the network makes the earlier floppies superfluous.
Because Linux the mounted disk partitions are available, another colleague who needs a Windows software from the colleague, who is currently under Llinux in ARCAD CAAD start this program on the hard disk.
In addition, we can use most of our Windows applications with WINE on Linux.
For the DOS-based programs DOSEMU available.
For us it's a huge advantage that Linux is really multitasking.
On desktop 1 runs the CAAD while on Desktop 2, the tender LXAVA program is running.
On Desktop 3 runs APPLIX WARE while on Desktop 4 is a picture with POVRAY is rendered.
If needed, information from another drawing, then the drawing on desktop 1 can not be closed, but on Desktop 5 is simply the ARCAD CAAD started again, and open the required drawing.
Between the individual desktops can be easily switched back and forth.
In the meantime, over the ISDN line, a fax comes in and is immediately transferred.
The advantage of Linux is that all processes run simultaneously and not an application grabs all reserves and paralyze the rest is.
Windows is the unthinkable.
The Linux machines are not crashed a single time data loss a thing of the past..
One may argue about whether Windows and specifically Microsoft software during office hours is to use the vast number of bugs at all, considering that the SuSe Linux distribution provides a much more stable operating system with a complete set of software that does not can be desired
Given the fact that in most of the construction planning and architectural firms and software for Windows is used, Linux offers the opportunity to use what is available to without restriction.
For our professionally used ARCAD CAAD and LXAVA comes but only Linux.
Written 2001..
All computer to the print server as a Windows 95 operating system have.
The print server works with Windows for Workgroups 3.11, because some ancient DOS apps that want partout only run in DOS mode, in a pure Windows network not use the Print Manager will.
Even the old 32-bit ARCAD CAAD is one of those programs.
With a little Handgestricktem be made to solve this problem with the help of WfW.
In DOS mode, but is not a complete network available, but the print server is least recognized.
The user programs are office solutions for DOS and Windows for writing and arithmetic, a database, a variety of skilled construction programs, which are often run only on Windows and inclusive as the most important software ARCAD 32-bit CAAD tender program LXAVA .
Both come from the parent company in ARCAD-holders and is reliable with us since 1993 in use.
The Problem
with all Windows systems, the instability is.
The computers often fall off abruptly, or hang on.
In DOS mode, we often had to find that files will not be closed.
Because Windows in DOS mode does not automatically recognize that files are still open, after a reboot does not always run ScanDisk, so that is written in the perk still open files.
Especially when drawing in the CAAD had fatal consequences, because drawings were not reused.
Given today's wage and non-wage costs, data loss may mean several days of futile labor, making it unbearable from the cost side, when he is due to shortcomings and instability of the operating system.
The same applies to the unstable printer server that locks up if he is to simultaneously send orders to the printer and to the plotter.
A pen plotters needed just his time, if he is to issue an A1 drawing.
Nothing is more annoying when you have to find out after 2 hours, that has hung in the meantime, the printer server and the plot has to be repeated.
Experience has shown that this phenomenon is when a customer urgently needs this drawing.
Real team-working comes in 32-bit DOS ARCAD CAAD not materialize because of the computer, which is working in DOS mode for the network is not available.
Data exchange is possible only via floppy disk, or you have to wait until the colleague with the drawing or contest is finished.
The existing software should continue to be available after a remeshing, after all, it represents an enormous investment factor represents
The same was true for the hardware.
Written 2001..