
'Novotel Luxembourg Centre
35 Rue Du Laboratoire, Luxembourg'
The town Luxembourg welcomed a new 4 star hotel - the Novotel Luxembourg Centre- in May 2007.
It has more than 150 modern rooms on six floors in colorful decoration and with view either on the attractive Rue you Laboratoire or on the conservatory.
Ideally situated, near important, multinational groups and the tourist attractions of the city of Luxembourg, the hotel is only 15 minutes to the international airport Findel and three minutes to the railway station Luxembourg Ville.
ARCAD Systemhaus
In 1987 the company TSL (Technical software Luxembourg) is founded in Luxembourg as a daughter of the enterprise ARBED s.a.r.l with a capital of 4 million DM.
Interest owners were already the ARCAD Systemhaus, Bernhard Metzger and architect Marc Werner.
The purpose is to market a program CAD in Europe.
In 1990 the ARCAD Systemhaus, Bernhard Metzger develops a new SOLID 3D software CAD under the operating system DOS.
This program receives the name ARCAD.
This development contains a direct integration of the AVA software LXAVA in the environment of the CAD.
In 1996 the development is continued with LINUX.

Architecte Marc Werner

'I have looked already in 1987 intensely after a CAD for the architecture area.'
At this time it was still worked with calculators which ran under the operating system DOS.
However, the ARCAD Systemhaus has written already software especially for the construction and architecture area.
A planning like the NOVOTEL project can be guaranteed only with a clean expiry.
A CAD program was always an important tool.
And today the EDP is a normal component of an architecture office.
You reach the architecture office Werner:
Bureau d'Architectes Werner
34 r. Edmond Dune
L-1409 Luxembourg